Wednesday, February 1, 2012

2012 Declutter & Organize Calendar

In January, a friend recommended this  2012 Declutter & Organize Calendar.  So, I decided to check it out. 

It turns out that it's really great!  It recommends doing one small project per day in order to make your life simpler, more organized, and less cluttered.  Sounds good, right?

Examples from January's calendar are:
  • Set up a donation station - I love that this is first!  This way you're prepared for future donations.
  • Clean out under the bed
  • Take a nap- A great idea for a Sunday!
  • Declutter your nightstand
  • Clear off the top of a nightstand
I really like the idea of doing just one small goal on a daily basis.  That way you're always making progress and at a manageable rate.

Yes, January is already behind us.  But, don't let that stop you from starting today.  Just think what you'll accomplish this year when you take small and consistent steps towards Getting it All Together.

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