If constantly you're living with plastic avalanches, we need to talk.
Read aloud:
Hello, my name is __________ and I'm prone to plastic avalanches in my kitchen. I am NOT powerless over the lids and containers and with your help, I will overcome this affliction.
Okay, okay- let's face it, it may not be that serious, but it is frustrating.
To get started:
Are you really using the best cabinet that you have for your containers? For instance, is your space really too small to adequately hold everything? Is it in the best location you have? If you have to stand on your head or use a chair every time you need to get a container or a lid, are you really going to use them and/or organize them? I'm probably not! :)
So, after you've determined that you're using the best place you have, let's move on to-
Do you have too much?
It's easy to accumulate too many containers over the years. Over time they become warped, cracked, and less than desirable. So, maybe it's time to take everything out (I know it's hard, just keep going!) and weed out the ones that are better left to the trash.
Next, Do you still have lids for everything left? If not, feel free to purge some more.
Now that you have all the lids and containers matched up, you have several
Options for keeping them that way.
1- Never use them again! Keep them frozen in your cabinet, all pretty-fied for everyone to see :) hahahaha! But seriously--
2- When you use them, put them back with the lids on them. That way you've always got a matched lid with a container. *Note, this works best with a cabinet that has a little room to spare.
3- Use a larger container bottom to hold all the lids. In this method, all the lids are loaded and unloaded from one spot and, ideally, found in that same spot, not falling on your head. :)
Tupperware makes a similar product called a The Place for Seals that can either be placed in the cabinet or screwed into the door. But, I'm all for using what I have and spending less, so a larger container works for me.
4- There are "As Seen on TV" products called Smart Spin Storage Containers that I've used before. They all have the same size lids and differing bottom sizes with a rotating rack to store them in. They are nice for what they are and great for small spaces; but, not the absolute best quality I've seen for food storage containers.
5- When all else fails, invest in a new, matching set.
6- I discovered that my lids and bottoms have matching numbers so I can tell if they actually match! Who knew? It was a very helpful discovery that has saved lots of miss-matched frustrations.
7- Keep those small ones nested into a larger container. When they are contained and not rattling around, they are less likely to create an avalanche.
I hope that helps!
Really, there is not one way that works best for organizing every home. Just like people, we're all unique and have our own quirks and challenges to overcome. Keep trying, organizing, and you'll Get it All Together, without the plastic avalanches.
Yay! Thank you!