Tuesday, March 6, 2012

One Less Panic Attack

"Oh, no!  Guests are arriving any minute & 
my bathroom looks like. . . THIS?!?"

What do you do in this situation?

a.)  panic!
b.)  run all over the house trying to find your cleaning supplies
c.) stay in the bathroom for a few extra minutes & quickly tidy up

If you answered A or B, let's talk.

One fantastic benefit of organization is having things where you need them and when you need them--- no more running around!  If you're running around trying to find and grab cleaning supplies, you're adding to the sense of panic, loosing time, and giving yourself grey hairs.

Let's start by finding the cleaning products you need most in the bathroom and then find a discrete, child safe place for them to be stored.

I recommend:
  • Toilet bowl cleaner & a brush
  • Sanitizing wipes (think Lysol or Clorox)  - These are great for lots of surfaces, including small floors.
  • Surface cleanser & a non-scratch sponge  (I love the blue Scotch-Brite ones) 
Notice that the list is really small.  You could easily add things like Tilex or another mildew remover, glass cleaner and paper towels, floor cleaner, etc.  But, what you really need are the basics.

Store just what you need for a quick sprucing up and feel free to bring the big guns in if you have space.

Next time you'll be prepared when your friend drops by unexpectedly and she'll be impressed that you Have it All Together.

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