Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Longish-term Baby Clothes Storage

Spring is here!  

This time of year means storing the winter jeans and hats and making way for swimsuits and shorts.  
But, how do you store all those baby clothes for later use?  
It's not very glamorous (feel free to decorate!); but if you have a baby, I can almost guarantee you have a  
great, free way to store baby clothes.  

Re-use a diaper box!  

Line the box with a kitchen trash bag, label the outside, and store in a safe location like an attic or basement.  These boxes, especially the club sized ones, are big and sturdy enough to hold a mountain of baby-sized onesies, hats, bibs, and more.  I've stored baby clothes from my oldest to my youngest for several years and had great success. 

  • Free!
  • Sturdy & fairly large
  • Easy to label the outside with a Sharpie 
  • Stack-able
  • Recycling at its best

  • Can be compromised by water, pests 
  • Not great for archival items that require an Archival Garment Storage Box like the ones carried at The Container Store (love them!)

Pack up all those winter blues and take a breath of spring air while you Get it All Together.

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