Saturday, February 4, 2012

"Mom, where are my shoes?"

"Mom, where are my shoes?"

If you've heard that question more times than you can count, maybe this idea will work for you.  I found it years ago in one of my favorite magazines for families with small children- Family Fun.

This idea is called a Simple Shoe Organizer.  It's great for small children (2+).  Follow the link and you'll see how you can simply and easily make a mat for your child's shoes.

I love this idea because:
  • It's easy!
  • No expensive materials required (whew!)
  • It allows you and your child to organize together.  Together, you decide where an item's home is and then give some responsibility to your young child to keep it in its place.  It's a great first step toward learning organization, responsibility, and how to take care of things.
  • It worked.
My daughter was so excited when I showed them to her!  She ran right away and got her shoes, took me right to her closet, and lined up things just like she wanted them to be.  I was so happy she was excited and we could both agree on something.  (That's tough when you're 2!)

But, how long did it last & was it used as a Frisbee? 

Great question!  The only Frisbee instances were from her older brother and were occasional.  (He was bored while were were cleaning her room.)

The mats are still around and a little worn from use over the years.  But, she loved using them until she got new shoes.  Then she wanted me to make more.  :)

So, give it a try.  Maybe you'll finally hear, "Mom, I found my shoes!"

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