My laundry "room" is really a walkway, not a room. It's a long, narrow hallway that used to be a back porch when the home was originally built over 70 years ago. Over the years, previous owners enclosed it and made a small space for the washer and dryer.
It's not fancy. It doesn't have many shelves, hooks that are functional, or enough space to hang my ironing board. I did put a laundry sorter in front of the washer a few years ago that got most of the dirty laundry out of my room. Yay!
- Get rid of the junk! No toys on the dryer that were saved after being washed.
- Shelves or spaces for all the laundry soaps, etc.
- Clean- no more dryer lint everywhere
- Make it more functional
- $0 and whatever I have on hand
- Painting & additional shelving would be great, but they're not in today's budget
The Process
First- Clean
I took everything off & wiped it all down. No more laundry soap granules, lint, or spilled fabric softener! It looked so much better already- wow!
Second- The Evaluation Process
Do I still need this? Have I used it? (The coupon expired in 2008. I think it's safe to go! haha!)
Never used - time to trash! |
No, the bottle of Shout isn't full. It's empty. Time to toss it!
Yes, I'd like to keep the bar of Fels Naptha for spot treating. No, I don't want it to sit directly on the dryer- must find a container.
Yes, I'd like to keep the lost coin jar.
Yes, I'd really like to keep the laundry soap! But, the container doesn't fit anymore- must find a better container.
Third- Containers
I found a traveling soap container that works great for the Fels Naptha to sit in. Now my space is protected and the soap has a new home.
I've been making homemade laundry detergent lately and keeping it in an old ice cream container. A "new" whipped topping container that fits better and allows me to free up some much needed space.
Fourth- Organizing
Now, it's time to really get to work. When putting things back, they have to be functional. You wouldn't put the flatware in the garage because it just doesn't work. The same principle applies here.
Things should be arranged so that they are in the most efficient place- a "home" that is accessible and in the closest location to avoid duplication of motions or spillage. These lead to inefficiencies, frustration, and the clutter bug.
I realized that I really didn't like the fake foliage that was spilling from the wall near the washing machine. So, I took it out! It felt so good to be free of the cheap plastic leaves that had been placed there to make the house more appealing to buyers over 10 years ago. (Why did I wait so long?)
In its place I discovered that I did have another shelf- wow! After some cleaning, it became the new home for the ironing supplies and bottles that were on the dryer.
- A car seat manual. Who would've thought to look on top of the dryer?!
- Buttons
- Outdoor Christmas light hangers
- Detergent samples
- Shoe laces
- A child's watch and ring
This project has given me a fresh start on laundry! (haha) I feel lighter, uplifted, and happy to see improvement.
Organizing and designing a space that feels comfortable and that truly works for each individual is what I really enjoy. Keep following along for more ideas that help you Get It All Together.
Before & After