Friday, March 9, 2012

Garage Before & After: Part 1

Have you ever noticed that when you start re-organizing, 
it looks so much worse right in the middle of it?  
It's the same with small and large projects, like today's 
Garage Before & After: Part 1.

 Because the garage is getting a major upgrade, it's best to take a project like this in small steps.  

Step 1:
Yesterday, I cleaned it out and acquired new storage facilities.  They were badly needed! We said goodbye to lots of old, dusty things that weren't needed anymore and hello to better, more (yay! a place for things!), sturdier storage centers.

Step 2: 
My husband and I designed a new layout for the shelves, cabinet, and work tables.  (This is still somewhat in progress.)

Step 3:
Sorting things into where they go.  We're still here and moving things around.

In the next few days (and weeks) we'll be doing more sorting and organizing as 
we keep trying to Get it All Together.   
Keep posted for another update to come soon.  :)

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